Since her early childhood, with an explorer's nature inherent in her ancestors, Meriwether Lewis and Ralph Waldo Emerson, Niánn Emerson Chase has had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and the character of one who truly loves discovery and the adventure of life. As a youth, Niánn grew up on four different Native American reservations in the southwestern United States. Her home life was based on Christian principles where she additionally incorporated Native American spirituality in her youth experiences. While attending Arizona State University, she broadened her horizons by studying other world religions and philosophies. After earning her Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in English and a minor in psychology, she returned "home" to the San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona where she lived and taught for fifteen years. She did her post-graduate work towards a Master’s degree in elementary, secondary, and adult education.
In the late ’80s Niánn felt a higher calling to spiritual service work, which led her to co-found Global Community Communications Alliance and Avalon Gardens & EcoVillage, located in southern Arizona in the historic southwest towns of Tubac and Rio Rico — an area considered sacred by many and known as "the Palm of God’s Hand". Global Community Communications Alliance is a temple supporting a religious order, natural gardens, and community of 100+ international members (with additional local and international supporters). Niánn is also the co-founder of the various outreach service programs of Global Community Communications Alliance, Director of The University of Ascension Science and Physics of Rebellion and the Global Community Communications Schools for Teens and Children, Co-Executive Director of the Alternative Voice periodical, as well as a human-rights advocate and minister, teacher of spiritual principles, pastoral counselor, and author.
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